Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Trust, to me, is a fascinating concept.

The fact that an individual can expose themselves in such a raw, unconditional way...truly giving themselves to whatever it is they believe to be worthy.  Trust isn't usually something you see in any sort of visual way.  It's not on a poster, or any of the ads on a subway.  There's no real tutorial.  It's this magical thing that happens when....well, when you are in alignment. 

In this post...I'm not going to point out something magnificent.  Nor am I going to motivate you to move forward.  The honest to jeebus truth is, I personally suck at showing action on this whole trust thing.  So...preachy...not so much.  I will tell you what I know though, as a control junkie.  

Most importantly.  The times that I've given into, and given up a piece or pieces of myself (I can count them on my right hand, and have change)...are some of the only times I've felt truly free.  The purest sense of freedom is selflessly giving up, giving in, and giving yourself in that moment.  Trusting takes courage, yet, more times than not giving up those bits of yourself feel almost insignificant.  Almost as if the connection and the alignment to what's happening in your life is flowing most naturally when...you're not even trying.

So yea...how does that all work?  (right!?)

I claim to be no expert...but it appears to me that trust is as natural as you and I are as human beings.  Trust lives in each and every moment, and within each one of us.  Trust shouldn't be feared, it should be embraced.  Trust proves us control junkies wrong.  Wrong, wrong, wrong!  Because when we trust....and we put a certain courage/faith/love/belief out there, we radiate it.  And then...like attracts like.

The reason I'm sharing my experiences with you today is....this is the start, ladies and germs.  The start of this Holiday Season (there!  I said it! ) kicks off a whole lot of contraction, and self defense from things, people, circumstances which we PERCEIVE to be damaging to our well being.  Rather than retract and live in our warped little shells...come out and play.   Welcome what comes your way, and if you trust in nothing else...trust in yourself.  Trust in the love that you have for yourself to make the best possible decisions for you.

I leave you with one final thought:
How do you trust?

Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving Holiday to you all!

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