Sunday, December 1, 2013


I don't know that I've ever looked up INTENTION in the dictionary until now...

The second definition I read defines INTENTION as "the healing process of a wound".

This is interesting to me, because doing what I do (I teach yoga, btw) I'm constantly watching how people move.  My students specifically, but everyone in general.  Even myself.  

I watch how people flow into their movements, what's restricted and what's free-flowing.  You can tell a lot about a person as you watch their body move.  

It's a general rule of thumb in Yoga that what's deep rooted in the mind and soul manifests itself physically.  The most obvious example I can give are overly stressed individuals with digestive disorders such and Crohn's, IBS, Diverticulitis...the list goes on.  More times than not the discomfort goes untreated, or treated in a way that's simply masking the discomfort...until it just cannot be masked any longer.

For probably the last year I've felt this knot at the back of my heart.  I think it's a manifestation of many things, and more specifically...the place where my fears live.   I felt it all day long...when I woke up, in my asana practice, while out to drinks with was always present.  A constant sensation of unanswered and lingering emotions, ideas, and creativity.

Finally, in the last few months it became so uncomfortable I decided to confront it.  Not with vigor or aggression...not with any of my ballsy methods, in fact.  I confronted this space with unwavering attention. Attention that for once didn't appear judgmental to myself...attention that simply....paid attention.   Rather than ask myself the who's/what's/when's/where's of this place...I simply let it be, and acknowledged that it resides within me.  I brought anatomy into the equation too...finding a deeper breath (read: space) into my lungs, kidney's, thoracic spine, sacrum, and back waistband.  I let my backbody breathe freely and allowed for more space.   These sensations, although mostly indescribable, I will say did re-introduce me to this healing truth of intention.  Because without fully realizing it, that's what I was practicing.

Yoga talk many of you are moving with intention?  Mind you, intention does not mean action...intention is a movement of a different sort.  It's a movement of awareness.  And intention as I mentioned...has no room for judgement.  

Asking more there a space such as this that resides within you?

As I started working with this place, almost instantly the knot went away.  I feel it every now and then...and am making a point to continue working with it during asana.  But the gentle act of acknowledgement that such a place existed within me helped me get familiar with it and actually start to MOVE from it!  It's been one of my most inspirational Yogi Aha Moments to date.

Some of you are going to instantly relate to what it is I'm talking about, and some of you will have an idea at a later time.  Either way, when the time comes definition is not important.  

The healing is what matters.  
It's the movement with intent that matters.
It's the movement from your truth that matters.

Love, love, LOVE