Tuesday, October 25, 2011


When was the last time you felt the ground beneath you?

This is a cue I've received as a yoga student, given as a yoga instructor, and have heard overall in in my own personal work.  Now I challenge you.

Where is your ground? 
How sturdy is it? 
Can you find your balance on one leg while you utilize the rest of your body to support you, almost making you lighter?

It's the same with our inward balance.  Utilizing every inch of the ground supporting us while the core of our foundation helps this balance feel...lighter.  We either straighten up with a smile, or struggle to remain still. 

With Fall in full swing, we see the colors change.  Winds kick up while temperatures drop.  We can just feel the transitions in the air....most times knocking us off our balance.  We struggle to find routine, a sense of who we are as this change takes place.    Nature tells us to retreat indoors and comfort ourselves.  But I wonder what it would mean to reflect OUTWARDLY?  To maintain our sense of awareness and therein also maintaining our balance!  Possessing the belief that although circumstances around us change, we are a continuing constant.  A fierce foundation, and yet....lightness.  Lightness that has no choice but to outwardly reflect on every human being we come in contact with.  It's contagious!

Play with this thought.  Do it while standing on your head.
Actualize the powers that your own personal foundation provide.
