Sunday, February 23, 2014


This very word is what led me to first cultivate my own yoga practice.
As I dove deeper, the message of awareness is what led me to want to help others.

There's something temporarily blissful, I won't lie, about walking around completely unaware.  Now I compare it to my travels.  When I stumble willingly into an unknown place.  Where I don't know the language, and don't know much about the culture or geographical landscapes.  I'm an outsider looking in, free of responsibility and merely a spectator.

At least, that's what I remember about my approach to life about 14 years ago.  I was unsure why I was such a bulldog in my professional life.  I didn't really know a connection could exist to my inner self, never mind to nature and all the elements around me. I just knew my mind.  Even my heart wasn't fully part of the equation.

Not much of a way to move through life, is it?

When you begin your process of discovering your truth, it usually happens in a time of transition.  Something inside you awakens to something its longing for but does not know how to articulate.  Or how to seek it out.  We're taught as a society to fear the unknown, but when you're in a vulnerable state no matter what the walk into the unknown willingly.  There's a refreshing quality, as if something is waiting for you on the other side.  In this case, it's the most authentic version of you you'll ever meet.

Welcoming in the concept of awareness is a quirky one.  It's simplistic in nature.  All you have to do is place your consciousness in places you haven't before.  All you have to do is give yourself time.  All you have to do is give these places proper attention.  What you uncover....well, it's not as simplistic.  You'll find your dualities at your core.  Your pleasures and your pain, your likes and dislikes, your emotions both positive and not so positive, your past and present, your most anticipated dreams and your most dreaded fears.  The vastness of what resides once you place your awareness within yourself is astounding.

Self realization could be overwhelming, but ONLY IF YOU LET IT!

Place acceptance where you once relied on judgement.  Judgement has no place within awareness...only acceptance will help you sift through your consciousness.  The process of realization will be vast, but acceptance will be your dear friend.  Approaching your own nature with a sense of nurture will be the very principle that will allow you to relate your nature to the rest of nature around you.

How are you moving through your life?
Is there a sense of anything that might be missing?
Can you identify an inner connection with yourself?
Do you want to learn more?

While I personally love stumbling into foreign territories and finding my way through the landscape, that's not true to life.  The truth in awareness connects us to ourselves, then to outside life and nature.

And how very, very precious it is.
To feel...connected.

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