Sol - Sun
Sistere - To stand still
Today, June 20,2012 marks the start of our splendid Summer!
The Solstice is an auspicious time to honor the sun and allow the welcoming arms of nature to embrace you. Summer makes me think of dancing in lush grass with bare feet, or a sandy beach....lakes, rivers, oceans...or splashing in puddles of warm June rain.
Mostly during these summer months I think of how easy it is to live from a place of inter-connectedness with nature. I think of animals in nature that signify this time...and for some reason I always think of a butterfly. To me, it represents beauty, creativity, and endless freedom. Then I think of how that all relates to...life.
We're all so open and free during this time of year...enjoying time outdoors with friends and family. Playing games outdoors, bbq'ing, soaking up as much sunshine and fresh air as we can. Smiles are plentiful and our hearts are radiating with warmth.
Take this sense of warmth with you as you celebrate your Solstice and enjoy this time of year. Like a butterfly, take flight in the direction of your dreams.
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