Friday, January 13, 2012


Connection is one of the single most important tools we use to tap into our awareness.'s also one of the single most important tools we avoid.

When we're in the thick of deep into our neurosis....we lose a piece of ourselves.  We are completely disconnected with our awareness, and therefore, ourselves.

Connection leads us to truth...which is one of the reasons most avoid re-connecting.  Fooling ourselves is SO much better than whatever we're going to have to deal with if we actually tapped into the truth, right?!

Connecting to ourselves is pretty much like charging our cell phones/various bits of technology.  We have to do it EVERYDAY!  Sometimes multiple times a day.  Connection, just like these pieces of technology, practically hand us our information on a silver platter.  That is, if we look for it.  If we press it's buttons and dig a little bit deeper.  Connection IS the foundation for truth.

So what connects you?  It could be interaction with friends, it could be physical (Yoga, MMA, Karate, etc), it could be alone time to contemplate, it could be a trip or location in nature where you recharge and connect to life at it's source.  Whatever it is...identify it, and use the shit out of it!  

You WANT to be connected to yourself.  You want to remind yourself DAILY who are and what you want.  You want to remember at least once a day what makes you tick!  And you want to pass it forward.  Connecting inwardly only leads to connection outwardly.  The people around you respond when you're plugged into yourself and walking about EYES WIDE OPEN!

Don't be afraid of connecting.  The good, not so good, or indifferent are all beautiful parts of you.  Wear them ALL with pride, and get to know them inside out!

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