Thursday, December 8, 2011


....this time of year it's everywhere!

Commercialized and wrapped up in a pretty little package.  It's even part of Bloomingdales print ad campaigns for the holidays.  One 4 letter word expected to generate bundles of...revenue... 

So, naturally I wonder....what does this 4 letter word mean to you? 

My example above turns it into something tangible...that you can literally hold in your hand.  Hopefully we're all aware that's not REALLY what love is.  Which then....makes me think of one of my favorite Bill Withers jam's...

"People try to create feelings just the same as love.
In the name of love, in the name of love."

The norm for our stereotypical love affair is boy meets girl, girl meets boy, boy meets boy, girl meets girl.   The couple gets carried away, intertwined in one another, becomes one...and then the story goes on.   It all either gets along famously, or is endlessly tragic. 

But when was the last time you had a love affair with yourself?
(c' knew that was coming, right?)

Really though, if you think about it..when was the last time you wined/dined yourself?  Got dressed up for yourself, and then paid yourself compliments?  Impressed yourself thoroughly with all the qualities within you that are almost cellular?  Not the on the surface variety of self-love...or even neccessarily the gratifying kind(you studs).  I'm talking the kind of love that rocks you to you core.

Think of an onion, and imagine yourself peeling the layers away.  As you get to that bare, dark core...what resides there?  When all of your layers can't hide what makes you you!  If you can't imagine anything residing there...think of what you'd LIKE at your core.   If you already know what's there...embrace it.  Lovingly acknowledge the good, not so good, and the indifferent.  Own that core...because it's who you really are.

That's love.  Knowing, accepting, and acknowleding who you are from the inside out...and DIGGING it!  Too many times we rely on a person, place, thing to supply us our love...when it's within us all along.

Leaving ya with Bills words rather than mine this time...

"And there really ain't no feeling quite the same as love.
In the name of love."

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