Sunday, October 6, 2013


The question was posed to me recently...
"How important is community?"

It's an extremely important question when posed in the context of who you've chosen as your yoga "family".  It was also posed to me at an important time...just a few days before I was reunited with 90% of my beloved yoga family.

Before I answer...let me just say a few things about the individuals that make up this family...

As different as each one of us are, our love and respect for one another is unconditional.  The support system is never ending, and judgement is nowhere to be found!  The beauty about us collectively together is that we allow one another to be ourselves.  Freedom and support are abundant here.  And so are a shitload of laughs!

That of my family members gently pointed out to me during our reunion that I wasn't always  That at one point I was timid, and fearful to explore the gifts I possess.  He mentioned how he's seen me grow into myself...(this is someone I don't see as regularly as I'd like, mind you).  He was right.

Community, to me, first and foremost is allowing YOURSELF to be a part of it.  To get down and dirty with intimacy and accept others for who they are.  To do this, you need to accept yourself first!  I know whole-heartedly that I cannot bring the best to my community if I haven't realized and UTILIZED  my best bits first. I also know whole-heartedly that the best contribution I could have ever given was to love and accept myself  in order for the community to continue to flourish.

We're not a community of dependence, we're one of complete and utter strength.  Strength that comes inside each one of us.

The funny part (not so funny, really) about this concept is....I live in New York.  A place that yes, comes together in times of crisis...but where these concepts of community are fairly skeptical.  To allow this intimacy is to allow vulnerability.  Vulnerability?!?

Yes...vulnerability.  Be vulnerable and be humble.  

Community and the love that comes with it is entirely great, yet entirely humbling at the same time.  It's the next best thing to the family that was chosen for you.  When you have a say...when you have the strength to go deeper for something this worthy..the shift is priceless.

I keep hearing the phrase "you get what you give" a whole lot recently.
And it applies here.

The gifts are boundless.

Love, love, LOVE!

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