Tuesday, September 18, 2012


There's something that happens when the seasons change.  When you take a moment to observe what's happening with Mother Nature....it all feels unbalanced.  One minute it's raining, and windy, only for the next moment to welcome the sun.  One day it's warm, one day it's hot, and the next humid.  

There's just really no telling what's next.

Can you relate that to the moments when you lose your own balance?  You lose your keys, leave the coffee on top of the car and drive away, are wearing mis-matched socks (or shoes, even!), find the salt in the refrigerator and the milk in the cabinet.

Everything around you is swirling around in chaos, and you're ALLOWING your mind to follow suit.  Allowing it to get swept up in disorder.

Why not slow down?  What's going to come crashing down to earth?  Well...maybe you!

Slowing down and simply observing the chaos is just one way to get you back to yourself and your natural rhythm.  Routine is another way to connect with the elements that surround you and get a hold on them.  

The amazing thing...is...it all comes back to that magical concept of CONNECTION!

Stopping grounds you, routine grounds you, breath grounds you, exercise grounds you, rest (mind AND body) grounds you, playfulness and not taking it all so seriously....IT ALL GROUNDS YOU!

Why?  Because at the core of your nature, you're nurturing yourself.  Which in turn helps you tune into what makes you, you.  When you're not grounded you're not connected to yourself.  I've seen people who are deathly afraid of that connection, yet crave it.  They'll use work, family, etc to keep busy and avoid the connection.  Yet they'll positively yearn for that sense of connection.  But, HOW?  How exactly do you get it?

Dig just a little bit deeper and connect to what moves you!  Don't be fearful.  Anything, everything you every need is always within you.

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