Sunday, May 13, 2012


It's certainly been a while.
Through death, and life, grief, and celebration....I've been living from the HEART, lately.

How connected is your Heart?  What is it connected to?  And connected to again?

I capitalize Heart, because to me, it's a state.  Not like...Kansas, or Kentucky.  It's one of the states you pass through in order to get to FREEDOM!

Living from your heart isn't necessarily easy....especially in the cerebral type of culture we live in.  That seems to be changing with the various movements and demonstrations happening at various times in various places for various causes.  People are deciding to move, literally and figuratively straight from the heart.  Straight from what connects them to their truth.

I realized my Heart is where I live...and started to be truer to it.  As I started to feel my world shift, I realized it was the 21st of April....a New Moon.   A moon my teacher says, was designed to bring us back to our truest nature.  Our home.  I found it all so....aligned.  And all I had to do was listen.  There it was.....EXPANSION!

Living from your heart will set you free.   

Fears, doubts, guilt, wonder, overwhelming selfishness, and even the unpleasant affects of the outside world seem to dissolve as your world expands into exactly the places you're directing it to go.  Freedom lies within the Heart.  Living from it gives it the space to grow.

The unfortunate thing is I can't give you a road map to your own heart...or even a tutuorial on how to get there.  If the heart feels right for you, you need to connect yourself.  Start with some deep breaths directly into your chest.  Feel that small expansion, and check out what you find.  Breath into that, and go deeper.  See what else exsists.  CONNECT to whatever it is you find.

Do not judge this expansion.....and do not fear it.
Simply feel it, and your Heart will lead the way.

Namaste, my loves!

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