I feel like everything I've written, and everything I will write is ever dependent on "the self"".
Our self. Ourselves.
Humanity. Human Nature. Human conditions. Human error.
How we move through life as individuals, and as a collective.
I've watched the people I love dearly, past and present, trembling at the idea of knowing themselves.
As many times as I practice yoga weekly, or my sadhana daily...there are days, sometimes weeks at a time that I actively try to drift from myself. Drift from the practices and work of knowing just to.....not know.
Know what?
Know me. Myself. All my inner workings and kinks that make me the glorious individual that I've become, and are still becoming.
The fear that I see in others, and in myself...is simply sad.
Because the truth is...I think we're all lovely.
The dreamer in me likes to see the idiosyncrasies of us all and believe they exist so we can find some common ground with one another. Like a mirror, we can see the judgement and the harshness reflected and just by mere observation know that what we have going on...what we're dealing with....is never as bad as we think it is. We're our own worst critics and it's a useless, tragic waste of our time.
If we can let go of expectations and literally place ourselves in the experiences of our lives....well...I think we'd all feel differently. Knowing "the self" / ourselves is like not knowing the outcome of an x-ray, or a job interview, or a pregnancy test or any test life tosses our way. It's the fear of the unknown. We are creatures who are ever evolving. It's impossible to know what crazy thing we're going to do next. Or what the person next to us might do. Lets admit it, that terrifies us. We like control.
The truth is....we have that control.
If were willing to admit it, most of us already have a profound knowledge of who we are at our core. If we can stop judging that for mere moments at a time, we'll find that who we are always exists. It's always there.
There may be clouds. It might (shit)storm....there might even be lightening. Whatever the circumstance, the core of us always exists in it's purest of form.
It's up to us to know that truth. Everyday.
And allow it to shine through.