In another life...another time...another space, the title of this blog post would be "CHANGE".
I prefer to shift perspective.
Fall is never a joyous time for me. Ever.
I relish in warmth, sunshine....and I thrive on the ocean.
I've literally had to learn how to appreciate Fall and all it brings with it. I've had to teach myself how to relax. Maybe sleep an hour later. To not always have something to do. To ground.
This Fall particularly has felt....dramatic. I was away for the start of the transition and once I came home, I was knocked off balance. Things were shifting and whirling around me. I literally, for once, had no idea where I'd end up.
And that so bad?
The not knowing?
Some would say yes...and I'd usually be part of that majority. But this time I let the winds take me where they may. I figured I'd land where I'd land, and that I'd be safe. Because, soul is my soul. That will never change.
So...turns out, I've landed. Into this place of possibility. Into this place of receptivity and....vastness. If I keep my heart and my mind open just a little bit longer (like, forever)...who knows where I'll end up.
The vastness....
The possibilities....
The LOVE...