Thursday, June 27, 2013


I feel like I've always been the person that knows what she wants.

From an early age...knowing what I believed in, knowing what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be, and how I've wanted to live.

From time to time, that shifts.
Embarking on my 34th year (but feeling like I'm 21!), I've finally realized some things about love.

Firstly, that love starts with me.  It breeds inside of me....and shines outwardly continuously finding a larger space for love to settle in. knows no bounds.  It's unconditional, and always present.  Even if we don't always 100% feel it.

Thirdly.  I cannot compromise my love for the idea of love.
I cannot accept anything less for myself than truth in love.

...remembering that all of this, every single bit, has started with me.  
Recognizing all qualities, and the sum of all parts of me + this universe equal nothing but LOVE.

My birthday that anyone reading this stumbles upon this love.  

In your own time, in your own space...embracing the bigness to be loved, that is you.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I've been hammering home the concept of discipline lately.

Lining up my own life so that it aligns with what I'd like it to look like.  Fitness regimens, Sadhana and other practices, class schedules, catching up on work, meeting with friends, making time for family and loved's been all about schedules.  Discipline.  Fitting it all in, gracefully.

And when I started to layout my plan for this weeks classes, and thought of "Discipline" as the theme...immediately I thought, "HELL NO!"

We're 2 days away from Summer Solstice...a time that literally gives you nothing but liberation.  A freedom that comes straight from nature!  Tell me again why I think teaching about discipline is a good idea? (It's not about YOU, Miss Marci!)

To be honest, for me, a little more discipline right now has been liberating...but it's not the point.  

As we move through our days filled with strict schedules and even stricter expectations....shouldn't we ease up???  Shouldn't we honor the natural pause...the natural freedom this solstice...this SHIFT provides?

This ease...softness...comes from the inside out.    Soften your heart, ease up your mind....  Detach from the ideals and find a way of being through this soft transition.

Fall/Winter in comparison are a bit more harsh.  The cold breezes come, along with the layers that provide heavy warmth.  But not we're shedding layer after layer.  Opening up to a sort of....grace.  Nature.

There's a beauty in detaching from our ideals, and being able to see what's in front of us.

It's the ease of simple awareness.  An action without a cause.

Love, love, LOVE!