Wednesday, March 14, 2012


…as a human being, this is one of the hardest concepts for me to grasp.

That out there somewhere there’s a different version of reality than the one you’ve planted yourself in?  And I mean PLANTED!  Firmly believing your beliefs to be true.  Not just to you, but the others around you. 

I’ve actually been so curious about this topic lately, I’ve looked up it’s true definition.
Perception:  is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of the environment by organizing and interpreting information.

So to sum it up…perception is all sourced through you.  To boot, perception is absolutely dependent on your nervous system. 

Normally if you ask me about yourself, your perceptions, awareness, understanding, beliefs….I’d say WHOLE HEARTEDLY that they’re all yours.  And you should own
each and every belief you have.  And you SHOULD!  But…now I’m thinking, you should take a minute.  And give your perceptions space.  Give them the opportunity to see what else is out there waiting to be perceived.

I’m learning that I actually DO NOT believe perception to be all yours.  Because how you perceive things is how you take them in.  And then you spit them back out…projecting a belief in a certain way.  That in turn affects your environment and the people around you.  Although it’s an excellent thing to be standing strong in your own,  there’s the possibility that you’re not letting yourself see the full picture.

I’ve decided I’m going to start asking this question…

“How am I looking at this, and how can I look at it differently?”  What are the different versions?

 Asking this allows your perception to become a bit more tangible and a little less…well, rock solid.  It opens you up to possibilities, other ways of thinking, but mostly…a more honest form of human to human interaction.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite." ~ William Blake

Thursday, March 8, 2012


When the tides settle, it’s time to allow yourself to get washed away in your own natural eb & flow.

There’s a rhythm to us all.  A push and pull to each one of our lives that we ride on….sometimes knowing it, sometimes not.

Usually the question is….are YOU able to just let life flow?

I always say…when your current state feels like you’re pushing  against resistance…back off a bit and give your world room to breathe.  There’s a natural order we as individuals are destined to pursue.  I’m sorry that I cannot explain it to you in any other terms other than you know it when you feel it.   It’s 100% instinctual and, in a split second, you decide without going through your process that you’re going to trust and believe in the direction you’re headed.

Once you let go, you find yourself.  As your flowing along you come across the person you want to be, the job you’d like to work at, the people you’d like to love, the environment you’d like to surround yourself with, and so on.  Letting go takes courage, it takes faith, and it takes trust that your nature is leading you in the “right” direction.   It’s entirely brave to let your natural order of things take over and guide.  There’s so, so many instances in our lives that we author and create that are predetermined by everything BUT our natural order.  Giving in and acknowledging there’s something bigger and yes, BETTER than what you have control over is big. 


It means that you trust in something you may not always be able to define.  You’re tapping into your instinct, but mostly it’s coming from your heart.

You’re riding on a feeling….and it’s feeling just fine!